This is my documentation for my family and friends so that we can keep in touch while I spend a year half way around the world. I will do my best to document the good times, the bad times, the happy, the sad. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Hello to all. Well for starters my name is Jenae and I am applying for a CBYX (Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange) scholarship. I am currently in the 11th grade and if I am accepted I will spend my senior year abroad. A lot of people ask: 'Why do you want to go to Germany?' Thats kind of a hard question to answer actually... I am just fascinated by the German culture, the language everything really. 'Why would you want to go your senior year?' I know it may seem crazy, but I know that if I get the chance to go to Germany then it will be worth missing my senior year in high school. Of course I will miss my friends but no pain no gain right. I am almost positive that the gain will greatly out way the 'pain'. 'Can you speak German?' Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch. Ich lerne seit zwei Jahren Deutsch. Also ich spreche nur ein bisschen. Trotz dieser ich kann verstehen mehr als ich kann sprechen. I can't think of any more commonly ask questions so... A little bit about me. Well I am 16 right now but I will be 17 when I leave. I absolutely love language. I am also in Spanish 3 in school. I must say my Spanish accent it far better than my German accent but hopefully that will change. I think I might be getting ahead of myself by writting this so early. Oh well... what can a girl say? I am hoping for the best. Tomorrow I will be completely done with my application process and after that I just wait, and wait, and wait, and then wait some more. However, I will be sure to update you guys as soon as I hear some news. Cross your fingers for me :) Bis später. Viel glück zur alle.